Is pi wallet needed for live mainnet when it will fully launched or just for testnet?

Pi is a cryptocurrency that is currently in development and it’s in a testnet phase. Pi network is a mobile-first, peer-to-peer cryptocurrency that allows users to earn Pi by contributing to the security of the network. The Pi wallet is used to store, send, and receive Pi.

During the testnet phase, users can download the Pi wallet and start earning Pi by contributing to the security of the network. Once the Pi network is fully launched and transitioned to the mainnet, the Pi wallet will still be needed to store, send, and receive Pi on the mainnet.

It’s important to note that, before the Pi network fully launch, the Pi tokens that you earn during the testnet phase may not have any real-world value and may not be transferable to the mainnet when it is launched.

In summary, Pi wallet is needed both for testnet and live mainnet when it fully launched, because it is the way to access and manage your Pi tokens.

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